Product Design


Designing an app that utilizes Machine Learning AI, Generative AI and Augmented Reality to translate between cats and humans.

My Role

My Team



UX Research
UI Design
Design Systems
Gabriella Ramirez
Ibdita Hasib
Paola Rendón Márquez
Annie You
4 months
After Effects
Premiere Pro

The Problem 🤔

The Solution 💡

Cat adopters and owners often underestimate the importance of understanding their feline companions' personalities, needs, and communication cues.

To design an app that utilizes Machine Learning, Sound Recognition and Augmented Reality to act as a cat translator, so people can understand communication signs from cats.

Empathy Interview Findings 💬

• Cat owners often find it hard to understand what might be affecting their cat’s mood.
• Most cat owners meow back when their cat meows at them.
• People prioritize their cat’s health and happiness.
• The only way cat owners bond with their cats is either through physical touch or by using cat toys.

Competitive Analysis 📊

Existing cat translation apps focus on entertainment rather than accurate communication. Few apps provide unclear translations with low accuracy and inconsistent attitude illustrations, leaving users confused.

User Personas 👥

"Simba meows often and I don't understand what he is trying to say so I just meow back."
Elizabeth Williams
Age: 22
"When my cats play-fight it's really funny to watch, but I'm not sure if at some point they actually mean it. That worries me."
Chris Martinez
Age: 32
"I hold Leo dear to my heart , and my deepest wish is to truly understand and connect with him on a profound level."
Evelyn Mullner
Age: 68

UI Design


The homepage provides users with access to translation shortcuts and games to play with their cat.

Live Translation

Through machine learning and sound recognition, users can use their camera and/or microphone to understand their cat’s current emotions and message


Teachable machine technology uses different profiles to keep track of individual cats’ behaviors and preferences separately. Over time, Whispurr will learn all about their unique personalities!


• Sound Recognition can be used for more than just recognizing human language.
• Machine based learning can help people understand and communicate with certain animals.
• Generative AI is able to generate animal sounds so humans can accurately understand animal emotions.

Next Steps

• Make Whispurr AR glasses accessible .
• Expand to other pets & animals.